Impacting Shadows

What would your shadow say about you? What stories would it share of sacrafice, kindess and greatness? This blog is a portal for you to share with others your impact on random people in this world. An opportunity to inspire you to be random in your impact and kindness for other people not because you have to but simply because you can! I invite you to email me stories at of you committing a random act of kindness along with a picture and I'll ensure it makes it to the blog. Create greatness in your in your own way large or small....who knows you might even like it and impact yourself along the way!!!..

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Big things are made of little things put together...

"I like to think that I'm generally a nice person and always do what I can to help others... Specifically today I took a bag of chamomile tea bags to a work colleague who was having trouble sleeping, gave someone change for the vending machine, let cars in in a massive traffic jam..." ... Elle (QLD)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Making an Impact

"I love the idea! Our bit to giving back was to sponsor a child - Christine 4 years old from Zambia through World Vision. This was my Christmas present to our family.... I want our children to learn about giving without expecting anything in return" - Nicola (QLD)

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Why Impacting Shadows?

There are two things that inspired Impacting Shadows... 1. TED and 2. B1G1....

Over the last 6 months I have substituted the written word for particular TED videos as my pre-sleep ritual, on my trusty Ipad. (you traditionalists will be miffed, but hey..its a sign of the times). For those of you who don't know what TED is, it is a gathering of speakers sharing the great things they are doing with their time on this planet in Technology, Entertainment and TED. There are doctors, scientists, techno geeks, politicians, musicians, artists and generally all round creative people, all bloody Legends who make me look in the mirror all the time and ask myself.. what's your legacy mate? The best thing about TED for us Joe's is the masses of 'ordinary people' doing EXTRAordinary things, specifically that impact other people. Soooo... Impacting Shadows is my crack at impacting the world in some small way!

B1G1 or Buy1Give1 is simply bloody brilliant. A philanthropic business dedicated to changing the world by inspiring business to deliver impact based on their daily activity. Essentially each time you sell something you give something to one of their causes! Its awesome....and the best part...created on a simple idea that is now a global movement getting a real WoooW from its followers. (search out Paul Dunn on TED and you'll get that bit). I've had a chance to meet Paul Dunn chairman of B1G1 and chat briefly to the founder Masami and their position in this project is simple.. an impact no matter how big or small is an impact...change is change and making it happen will make you better believe it!

So my call to you...the public of blog audiences... is two fold. first and foremost I invite you to commit a random act of kindness and put a smile on someone's face without any other motivation than just that. Weather it's helping a stranger change a tyre or paying for someone's groceries because they forgot their wallet... go and impact someone and make your shadow proud to be your shadow..And then.. tell me about it! Yep.. I want you to brag about it..with a picture if you can... so your story inspires others to do the same! Email me at and I'll ensure your story gets on this blog for all to see!!

Two links to get you motivated and inspired:

1. Masami - founder of B1G1 impacting a begger in India... just because she can!!

2. A terrific TED vid about people sharing their secrets!! Its a funny one but inspiring about what people can do with their message...powerful!

So this is my first attempt at impacting others.. hopefully I've inspired just one person to go and Impact some Shadows and tell me all about it!

Enjoy Great Things!!